#Chat-Room statistics generated by Doob

Statistics cover Wednesday 10.8.2011 to Saturday 27.8.2011
During this 18-day reporting period a total of 80 people visited #Chat-Room

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Daily activity


















10.8 11.8 12.8 13.8 14.8 15.8 16.8 17.8 18.8 19.8 20.8 21.8 22.8 23.8 24.8 25.8 26.8 27.8

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24

When are people active in #Chat-Room?

4.3% 14% 4.8% 2.6% 2.5% 2.6% 1.4% 2.6% 5.4% 5.6% 4.4% 2.5% 1.4% 2.0% 4.6% 2.4% 2.3% 4.2% 9.0% 5.5% 7.3% 4.6% 2.4% 1.4%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Weekly chat activity

Monday 5.7% Tuesday 5.0% Wednesday 5.0% Thursday 12.3% Friday 35.3% Saturday 22.2% Sunday 14.6%

The most active nicks

(Nicks sorted by number of lines written)

  Nick Lines Written Random Quote
1 !Chat-Girl 2532 12.8 9:47 "Winner: S4ndy Answer: A Reverend Time: 30.013 Streak: 2 Points:..."
2 !Doob 1823 14.8 18:17 "Welcome to #Chat-Room kAt, Glad ya made it"
3 !`Fr3aK` 1323 12.8 1:42 "prob his moms like no cuz he likes the cock"
4 !S4ndy 695 12.8 9:18 "silence of the lambs"
5 +`chat-girl 259 20.8 8:21 "| Welcome to #Chat-Room, Dem3nted | You're the number 160 person..."
6 @ThePremierHost 228 17.8 23:58 "Ahhhhh, it's a Freak!"
7 *queenie 214 12.8 5:19 "that should be my stats"
8 *starsa 189 16.8 16:05 ":D Laughing Out Loud :D"
9 @Kat 161 14.8 9:30 "ok bbl have house to get cleaned"
10 @Kacey 157 22.8 3:57 "it amazes me how wacky ppl are"
11 *fireglowsz 107 20.8 19:10 "dayum Chat-girl got me sexcited"
12 +Athena 89 Yesterday 21:25 "u a good friend of mine"
13 +HePeR 78 20.8 18:28 "a ? is a good def of me"
14 !PrincessBrat 73 24.8 5:11 "shootin his fat arse mouth off about shit he knows nothing about"
15 @DarkPrincess 73 13.8 18:09 "I'm sorry about this"
16 @hannahh 72 20.8 10:30 "someone needs to tell him that."
17 @Goddess 68 12.8 1:30 "mp3 [!Goddess Stained - Outside.mp3] - (4:52/128kbps) stuff"
18 @kristy 67 20.8 5:36 "The website may no longer exist, or may have moved."
19 Travis-PC 63 12.8 20:05 "i cant break loose :("
20 @queenie|away 57 20.8 0:35 "i don't know anyone that makes em"
21 +Peeking 46 20.8 18:19 "let me go add it to my merk"
22 @Misty 45 13.8 8:38 "veterinary technician in training lol"
23 @SplinTer 44 19.8 22:29 "need to get j to bring donkserv in here"
24 @AenoFlux 41 10.8 21:23 "all staff is welcome there"
25 @mason 39 12.8 3:04 "joining the national guard"
26 +RedBeard 38 24.8 19:57 "Who used my name in vain?"
27 @Doob[A] 37 20.8 18:09 "u should remember that bot from years ago"
28 @Robz 33 20.8 18:37 "i think day month on that bot is wrong way lol"
29 !Southern_B|tch 32 20.8 18:34 "chat emp is linked here i think"
30 +cornelius 31 14.8 20:36 "big big ro0m...full of bad bitches"

These people wrote less than 30 lines:
+hannah (28) +SP (25) +WTF (24) @Travis (23) not-here (21) LovelyLinda (20)
+BladeRunner (18) +Dem3nted (15) @HersheyK (14) +uigyp (13) +Russ (11) Nicholas (11)
+AeonFlux (11) +mib_qi67s7 (10) Pornflake (9) MajesticZombie-50228 (8) Misty[a] (7) Doobs-a-Punk (6)
+Dooba (6) +wtv-viewer (5) MajesticZombie-37160 (5) +LOVELY (5) +Firez (4) !Chatter (4)
+Billy (4) PrincessBrat-new-lover (3) MajesticZombie-12735 (3) +IcePrincess (3) +GuardDog (3) +Divinity (3)
+Crying_Angel (3) blade`gone (3) zz_DarkPrincess (2) @WelcomeBot (2) *StarlineIRC (2) @Shadows (2)
+Rhiannon (2) +PaPa-Smurf (2) +mib_tuq439 (2) +mib_cfw9u4 (2) +frogonia (2) !Chat-boy (2)
+`Fr3[a]K` (2) `dramaClub` (2) +shit (1) MajesticZombie-33192 (1) +Jax (1) +Frog_Says_mibbit_mibbit (1)
+Dixie (1) Butterfly (1)

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1`Fr3aK` - 660
Chat-Girl - 915
Chat-Girl - 450
`Fr3aK` - 570
2Chat-Girl - 615
S4ndy - 347
Doob - 425
Chat-Girl - 552
3Doob - 587
Doob - 301
starsa - 150
Doob - 510
4queenie - 174
`Fr3aK` - 93
S4ndy - 131
S4ndy - 217
5ThePremierHost - 154
`chat-girl - 61
`chat-girl - 74
Kat - 123
6Kacey - 153
hannahh - 47
ThePremierHost - 30
fireglowsz - 107
7`chat-girl - 101
Kat - 35
hannah - 26
Athena - 86
8kristy - 67
HePeR - 26
RedBeard - 23
Travis-PC - 63
9queenie|away - 57
starsa - 22
Goddess - 23
HePeR - 48
10PrincessBrat - 47
Misty - 22
queenie - 22
Peeking - 46

#Chat-Room relation map

#Chat-Room relation map generated by mIRCStats v1.23
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick
  More important           Less important

Topic tracking

2 latest topics from #Chat-Room

At Topic Nick
22.8 4:26Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until...Doob
14.8 14:06Its back by popular demand and its gonna be better than ever . it is what it...Doob

5 topic changes between 10.8.2011 and 27.8.2011

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mIRCStats v1.23 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen