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Personal stats

1  Chat-Girl
Last talked: 27.8 22:14
Status: Founder
Lines: 2532
Days active: 18/18
Average lines per day: 141
Average letters per line: 42.4
Number of descriptions: 82
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 19%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
2 Doob
Last talked: 27.8 22:02
Status: Founder
Lines: 1823
Days active: 18/18
Average lines per day: 101
Average letters per line: 17.7
Opped people 37 times
Number of descriptions: 47
Topics set: 4
Question ratio: 3.2%
Exclamation ratio: 0.7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
3 `Fr3aK`
Last talked: 20.8 1:49
Status: Founder
Lines: 1323
Days active: 9/18
Average lines per day: 147
Average letters per line: 11.9
Number of descriptions: 5
Question ratio: 2.6%
Exclamation ratio: 1.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
Recent activity
20.8 1:44<`Fr3aK`> lol
1:47<`Fr3aK`> 1882
1:47<`Fr3aK`> 1782
1:47<`Fr3aK`> 1982
1:48<`Fr3aK`> veida
1:48<`Fr3aK`> vesda
1:48<`Fr3aK`> velda
1:48<`Fr3aK`> veada
1:49<`Fr3aK`> idk
1:49<`Fr3aK`> lol
4 S4ndy
Last talked: 20.8 10:35
Status: Founder
Lines: 695
Days active: 8/18
Average lines per day: 87
Average letters per line: 13.6
Number of descriptions: 40
Question ratio: 2.4%
Exclamation ratio: 2.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
Recent activity
20.8 10:32<S4ndy> there is a million damn nets out there, and ALL of us are on them...
10:34* S4ndy shakes head
10:35<S4ndy> fuck it, my life is stressful enough...
5 `chat-girl
Last talked: Today 13:52
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 259
Days active: 7/18
Average lines per day: 37
Average letters per line: 59.5
Number of descriptions: 15
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 28%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
Recent activity
Today 13:51* `chat-girl has entered #Chat-Room ...Let the flirtin and fuckin begin :D
13:51<`chat-girl> i love Doob
13:52<`chat-girl> Things Not To Say During Sex ]-[ #4 ]-[ Damn You Gained Weight ]
13:52*** `chat-girl is now known as Chat-Girl
6 ThePremierHost
Last talked: 20.8 11:03
Status: Operator
Lines: 228
Days active: 9/18
Average lines per day: 25
Average letters per line: 48.6
Number of descriptions: 2
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 2.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
Recent activity
20.8 10:43<ThePremierHost> Laughing My A$$ Off more customers than me? Never has in the last 7 years and never will now
10:53<ThePremierHost> It's cool, Chris and I agreed that net was shit
11:03<ThePremierHost> What's up bro
11:03<ThePremierHost> Laughing Out Loud
7 queenie
Last talked: 12.8 20:10
Status: Channel admin
Lines: 214
Days active: 3/18
Average lines per day: 71
Average letters per line: 13.5
Number of descriptions: 84
CAPS ratio: 0.9%
Question ratio: 6.1%
Exclamation ratio: 3.7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
Recent activity
12.8 18:36<queenie> :/
18:37<queenie> i got the munchies :D
18:38<queenie> Laughing Out Loud
19:50<queenie> hiii Travis-PC
19:50<queenie> hiiii `Fr3aK`
19:51<queenie> hi S4ndy
19:51<queenie> Laughing Out Loud
19:56<queenie> :o
20:10<queenie> .spin
14.8 2:46*** queenie is now known as queenie|away
8 starsa
Last talked: 22.8 1:31
Status: Channel admin
Lines: 189
Days active: 7/18
Average lines per day: 27
Average letters per line: 22.8
Number of descriptions: 1
CAPS ratio: 0.5%
Question ratio: 2.1%
Exclamation ratio: 1.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
Recent activity
22.8 1:21<starsa> thats what pops up when i hit ?
1:22<starsa> i didnt write the script
1:22<starsa> it was givin to me
1:22<starsa> :)
1:31<starsa> ahh better
9 Kat
Last talked: 14.8 20:39
Status: Operator
Lines: 161
Days active: 1/18
Average lines per day: 161
Average letters per line: 22.8
Question ratio: 1.2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
Recent activity
14.8 19:36<Kat> did you make the pic?
20:31<Kat> coool thanks
20:32<Kat> bf
20:32<Kat> hi cornelius
20:34<Kat> hey
20:34<Kat> i took the pic off
20:34<Kat> lol
20:34<Kat> no
20:34<Kat> lol
20:39<Kat> tommy
10 Kacey
Last talked: 22.8 4:48
Status: Operator
Lines: 157
Days active: 4/18
Average lines per day: 39
Average letters per line: 17.0
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 1.9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 18 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  15.8- 22.8- 
Recent activity
22.8 4:47<Kacey> ok i think im gonna try and get some sleep
4:47<Kacey> i might be back
4:48<Kacey> <3
4:48<Kacey> good night and sweet dreams

Top 4 stats freaks

  Nick Lines Written Random Quote
1 Chat-Girl  11 12.8 17:17 "«ø» Stats for queenie"
2 Doob  6 14.8 9:15 ".stats S4ndy"
3 `chat-girl  4 Today 12:51 "hey Chat-Boy Take a look at our Stats Page :) http://xtreme.chatsensations.net/stats/the-hideout.html"
4 queenie  3 12.8 5:19 "that should be my stats"

Big Numbers

queenie really wanted others to know what was doing - 84 descriptions altogether.
 12.8 18:33 * queenie kicks Chat-Girl
Chat-Girl spoke the most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row 91 times...

`Fr3aK` also chatted to himself 29 times.

`Fr3aK` forgot to turn off the CAPS-lock, writing 5 lines in CAPS.
 14.8 20:57 <`Fr3aK`> BITCH
12.8.2011 20:08 - 20:12 was a busy time for #Chat-Room - 8 people active
Active during these 4 minutes were (in order of appearance):
 Travis, S4ndy, MajesticZombie-12735, Doob, Travis-PC, Chat-Girl, queenie, `Fr3aK`
`chat-girl wrote the longest lines - average of 59 letters per line.

Average line length on #Chat-Room was 27 letters.

Friends in #Chat-Room

(they really like talking to each other...)

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 Doob`Fr3aK` 1 Chat-GirlS4ndy
2 ThePremierHost`Fr3aK` 2 S4ndyDoob
3 Doobqueenie 3 DoobChat-Girl
4 DoobChat-Girl 4 S4ndy`Fr3aK`
5 DoobKacey 5 Doobhannahh
6 Chat-Girl`Fr3aK` 6 hannahhS4ndy
7 queenie`Fr3aK` 7 Doob`Fr3aK`
8 DoobThePremierHost 8 `Fr3aK`Chat-Girl
9 ThePremierHostChat-Girl 9 DoobKat
10 queenieChat-Girl 10 Chat-GirlHePeR
11 queenieThePremierHost 11 AenoFluxDoob
12 DoobPrincessBrat 12 MistyS4ndy
13 Doobqueenie|away 13 AenoFluxChat-Girl
14 masonqueenie 14 Kat`Fr3aK`
15 Kaceyqueenie|away 15 Doob`chat-girl

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 DoobS4ndy 1 Chat-GirlDoob
2 Doobstarsa 2 S4ndyDoob
3 DoobChat-Girl 3 Kat`Fr3aK`
4 S4ndystarsa 4 S4ndy`Fr3aK`
5 S4ndyChat-Girl 5 Doobfireglowsz
6 BladeRunnerDoob 6 Chat-Girl`Fr3aK`
7 hannahDoob 7 `Fr3aK`Doob
8 S4ndyTravis-PC
9 AthenaDoob
10 Chat-GirlS4ndy
11 DoobHePeR
12 Chat-Girlcornelius
13 Chat-GirlHePeR
14 Chat-Girlfireglowsz
15 ThePremierHost`Fr3aK`

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days First seen
1 Chat-Girl  18 10.8.2011
2 Doob  18 10.8.2011
3 `Fr3aK`  9 10.8.2011
4 ThePremierHost  9 11.8.2011
5 S4ndy  8 10.8.2011
6 `chat-girl  7 12.8.2011
7 hannahh  7 11.8.2011
8 starsa  7 13.8.2011
9 DarkPrincess  6 10.8.2011
10 PrincessBrat  6 11.8.2011
11 Chat-boy  5 16.8.2011
12 wtv-viewer  5 14.8.2011
13 Doob[A]  4 11.8.2011
14 Kacey  4 12.8.2011
15 HePeR  4 13.8.2011
16 Goddess  4 12.8.2011
17 queenie  3 10.8.2011
18 Athena  3 25.8.2011
19 SP  3 23.8.2011
20 AenoFlux  3 10.8.2011

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At
1 Doob  18 10.8 - 27.8.2011
2 Chat-Girl  18 10.8 - 27.8.2011
3 ThePremierHost  8 11.8 - 18.8.2011
4 starsa  5 13.8 - 17.8.2011
5 DarkPrincess  5 10.8 - 14.8.2011
6 S4ndy  5 10.8 - 14.8.2011
7 `Fr3aK`  5 10.8 - 14.8.2011
8 wtv-viewer  3 24.8 - 26.8.2011
9 Kacey  3 20.8 - 22.8.2011
10 queenie  3 10.8 - 12.8.2011
11 Athena  3 25.8 - 27.8.2011
12 `chat-girl  3 18.8 - 20.8.2011
13 SP  3 23.8 - 25.8.2011

Activity distribution


Lines per day Number of days
1 (5.6%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (5.6%)
0 (0%)
1 (5.6%)
0 (0%)
2 (11%)
4 (22%)
9 (50%)


8 / 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27
Lines: 9072

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
55.. 1 `chat-girl(59.5)
50..54 0 -
45..49 1 ThePremierHost(48.6)
40..44 1 Chat-Girl(42.4)
35..39 0 -
30..34 1 fireglowsz(30.6)
25..29 0 -
20..24 2 starsa(22.8), Kat(22.8)
15..19 2 Doob(17.7), Kacey(17.0)
..14 3 S4ndy(13.6), queenie(13.5), `Fr3aK`(11.9)

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

People in #Chat-Room seem to like these words...

Count Word Last used by At
644 "#Chat-Room" Chat-Girl Today 22:07
402 "Welcome" Chat-Girl Today 22:07
131 "Laughing" blade`gone 23.8 18:17
35 "birthday" Chat-Girl 22.8 4:38
27 "Everyone" Chat-Girl Today 13:54
27 "channel" Doob Today 14:03
24 "whisper" Chat-Girl Today 13:52
23 "revolver" Chat-Girl 22.8 4:31
22 "privacy" Chat-Girl Yesterday 22:05
22 "cylinder" Chat-Girl 22.8 4:31

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
351 "Doob" Chat-Girl 27.8 21:58
274 "Chat-Girl" Doob 27.8 21:55
159 "S4ndy" Doob 20.8 6:55
100 "queenie" Chat-Girl Today 20:30
57 "`Fr3aK`" Dooba 20.8 11:38

These people have a distinctive choice of words...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
35 Chat-Girl "cylinder"(22), "Category"(12), "Spinning"(11), "results"(6), "fingers"(5), "Quickie"(4), ...
10 Doob "freakin"(6), "learned"(4), "comeing"(4), "service"(3), "actually"(6), "angelfire"(3), ...
7 ThePremierHost "business"(10), "Verizon"(3), "concerns"(3), "standard"(3), "customers"(4), ...
2 DarkPrincess "binding"(3), "requested"(3)
2 `Fr3aK` "boycott"(4), "memphis"(4)

These pairs have a language all to themselves
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
14 Chat-Girl and `chat-girl "privacy"(22), "Covering"(21), "nervous"(12), "strivia"(7), "hear%ranbot"(18), "restart"(5), ...
14 Doob and `chat-girl "adopted"(8), "economy"(8), "renamed"(8), "America"(8), "Angelina"(8), "Hotline"(3), ...
5 Chat-Girl and S4ndy "revolver"(23), "married"(11), "english"(5), "speaking"(3), "Shattering"(3)
4 Chat-Girl and Doob "birthday"(35), "zz_hannahh"(16), "Fo0kers"(7), "triggers"(3)
4 Chat-Girl and `Fr3aK` "promise"(8), "control"(3), "teacher"(3), "Unprotected"(12)
3 `Fr3aK` and Kat "stalker"(3), "walking"(3), "drinking"(3)
3 Doob and ThePremierHost "connect"(4), "security"(7), "Microsoft"(4)
3 Chat-Girl and ThePremierHost "looking"(6), "children"(5), "currently"(3)
2 Doob and S4ndy "fightin"(3), "internet"(5)
2 `Fr3aK` and ThePremierHost "hosting"(3), "upgrade"(3)

URL Tracking

34 unique URLs collected since 11.8.2011

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Time of day statsActive days
Relation mapActivity distribution
TopicsLine lengths
 Word stats
URL tracking

mIRCStats v1.23 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen